Défilé Head 2023 // Remise du Prix ASWE 2023 à Brigitte da Conceiçaõ

ASWE supported the new generation of fashion designers at HEAD Défilé 2023


On Friday, November 3rd, 2023, The Association of Swiss Women & Empowerment – ASWE collaborated with  the Geneva University of Art and Design at HEAD défilé and gave the prize of CHF 10 000,- to one of the Master’s students to support their career aspirations. The event marked the recognition of exceptional talent and a commitment to supporting the career aspirations of budding artists.

The ASWE award, established with the aim of facilitating the journey to success for young artists, was presented to a deserving Master’s student Brigitte Soñia da Conceiçaõ for her collection “No Matter What People Say, We Got It Going On.” The collection deeply resonated with the core values of ASWE – empowerment and a dedicated focus on sustainable development.

Brigitte’s innovative use of towels as the primary material transformed ordinary objects into powerful symbols of empowerment, self-care, and comfort. Beyond displaying her remarkable artistic talent, Brigitte’s work aligned seamlessly with ASWE’s mission of instigating positive change through creativity. Her collection served as a visual testament to the transformative potential of art, conveying profound messages and playing a significant role in achieving the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, particularly Goal 12.

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